The service is called door to door, but why requires vendors or shippers sending goods to DJcargo warehouse
Customers buy goods and assign vendors or shippers to send the purchased products to our warehouse, then we ship to oversea countries is most economy method and best solution. the vendors and shippers are anywhere in China, and the goods can also be anywhere in China, such as changsha, Beijing, chengdu, wuhan, shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen...or anywhere else...etc. so
If you use FCL which is full container shipping, we could arrange directly from vendors or shippers' location to your countries.
If you use LCL consolidation sea shipping, air shipping, courier express to send your goods from China to destination countries in oversea, it would be the best for you to ask vendors or shippers to send goods to our warehouse first, then we will ship items to your door. you may also ask us to pick up goods from vendors or shippers, as your trade terms between seller and buyer might used Ex-factory terms. and vendors and shippers are incorporate to handle sending goods from their warehouse to our warehouse, yes, we could handle pick up cargo from them, but its not the best choice, and also not economy. there are at least three reasons to explain why letting vendors and shippers to arrange domestic transportation to our warehouse, would be the best option
Reason 1
For example, a vendor in Beijing wanted to send a parcel to our warehouse in Guangzhou, he should call local courier in Beijing to pick up from his address and deliver to us, there are many couriers available for vendor to choose. if we (DJcargo) remote call Beijing and send to our warehouse in Guangzhou then if anything for example(missing, lost or broken) is happened to your purchased items, the negotiation process for the compensation by outsider from Guangzhou would be harder to get done compared to the local vendor located in Beijing.
(you may ask, why not direct send goods from Beijing to oversea, --- not every company from somewhere in China has service reliable for LCL consolidation shipping, air shipping, or international courier express, different price advantages, handling methods, and timing requirement)
Reason 2
For instance; a vendor in Shanghai sends a set of dining table including chairs by using domestics courier service to DJcargo warehouse , and the dimension of one dining table set is about 1 cbm.
if the net cost of dining table is 200 rmb and the net cost of 1 chair is 50 rmb, 4 would be 200 rmb. then the total manufacturing cost for the factory is 400 rmb.
the vendor may be selling its price as 1000 rmb to the buyer, including delivery to DJcargo warehouse, domestics shipping cost about 200rmb, 40 rmb of each item
we can see, 1 dining table and 4 chairs total cost 400 rmb, domestics shipping cost is about 200 rmb, the vendor's gross profits is 400 rmb.
if the courier service lost a chair during transporting goods to our warehouse, the vendor could ask them to resend a chair with the cost less than 50 rmb to our warehouse. this 50 rmb is net cost of the chair.
if we arranged courier pick up the goods from vendor, and courier service happened to lose the items, we will rebuy a new chair from vendor with the cour90 rmb and need to rearrange the courier service to deliver to us again
caused lost same as vendor did, we should pay 90 rmb to vendor for the goods selling to us, and then call courier resend the chair from vendor to us.
you may ask, why both vendor and us couldn't call compensating from courier company, no way, transportation rules says, that the lost and damage of the goods during transportation only compensate a very less logistics fee, and the compensation procedure would exhausted you time and money, its almost like you meet a case need go to court. its happen in every country, not only in China.
So, why we take this risk, while we are not doing trading business, we are just a logistics service provider, DJcargo never intervention buyers and sellers business, but do must provide assistance to both parties.
Reason 3
The third sample; there are 10 cbm cargo in Wuhan city Hubei province, vendor send the cargo by using domestics transportation LCL land lorry consolidation (point to point) to our warehouse in Guangzhou would cost 1000rmb, for such long distance from Wuhan to Guangzhou almost 1000km, if we send a van car to pick up from Guangzhou to Wuhan and shuttle way back from Wuhan to Guangzhou, it would cost more than 5000rmb. its definitely not an economy way. its money wasting scheme.
Where we could send car to pick up goods is feasible
Guangzhou city located in central of Pearl River Delta, its a capital city of Guangdong province, political, economic, cultural center, and its a large logistics center in Guangdong province, from Guangzhou to east and west city of the province are almost 400 km. send car to pick up goods is feasible, but the cost will charge back to customer accordingly.
There is no single international logistic company has branch warehouse nationwide in China offers free pick up. and many relies on domestic transportation to transit cargo from one address to another, to the right warehouse doing consolidation